Our Unschooling Adventure - which officially started in Lowell in the Fall of 2005 - now continues in Berlin.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Taekwondo Promotions

We had our testing on Wednesday and all of us advanced to the next belt level. We did the Basic poom-se, followed by sparring. Supriya broke two 1 cm-thick pine-boards with a hammer-fist and one with a kick, and has now advanced to the yellow belt with a black stripe. Then Aseem broke two boards - one with his hand and one with a kick. Now he has the yellow belt. This was my first testing, and I was a little apprehensive when Master Freddy brought out 2 2 cm-thick boards for my hand strike. I did a practice-strike, and then jumped in the air and brought down my hammer-fist on the boards with all the force I could muster. And of course the boards broke! (It's truly amazing how powerful you feel when you have just broken wooden boards.) Next I broke a board with an Axe kick, and now I have my first earned belt - white with a yellow stripe. I am really enjoying the workout and doing it with Aseem and Supriya. By far the best thing I have done in 2007...


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