Our Unschooling Adventure - which officially started in Lowell in the Fall of 2005 - now continues in Berlin.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"Is College Worth the Cost?"

Anya Kamenetz has this column on Yahoo! Finance today, and I agree with most of her analysis - particularly the section titled "What do I want to do?".

I have to say I have serious misgivings about this: "...people with bachelor's degrees [wi]ll still earn an average of about $1.2 million more than high school graduates over a 40-year career". I do not know if she is ignoring the opportunity cost of that money. For example, if I put $25,000 in the stock market (instead of spending it on college), my child will retire a millionaire just on that! My gut reaction is that college costs have risen beyond the tipping point where they are a sure deal for the majority of high-school graduates (as they used to be).


Blogger Ahna said...

Hi Manoj,
This is the first time I'm reading your blog, I occasionally surf the unschooling ring for ideas and support. The issue of college for my children is a big question mark for me personally. For my daughter (16) it is a place where she hopes to learn and meet interesting people. However, she is taking "Freshmen English" and she is not enjoying it at all. It is one of those "required courses" and the atmosphere in the classroom is, as she puts it, "a little like forced feeding". On the other hand, for my son (14) it is the next natural step in a musical career. I look at my own years and years of schooling as somewhat misspent. I wish I had experimented more with life rather than following society's prescribed plan for "success". But anyway, I like the idea of investing money instead of putting it into college tuition (if it is money that we want to get out of a college degree)!
Thanks, kindly

4:34 PM


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